Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Law Of Attraction.

Basically, i adopted this law in my life and i didn't know it actually had a name. 
(i thought i was pantang like those old generations but i was wrong)
I found out today and the name was law of attraction.

It actually mean we attract whatever we think about, either good or bad.

Click this to know more about Law of Attraction!

here's one thing about me, whenever i'm finding parking places in kl or bp, i always had an urge to tell myself i'm very LUCKY and somehow i dunno y i always got to find it. whenever my friends say i wont find it easily, i'll be rude to ask them shut up cause im taboo about it. lol.
whatever larh, as long as i can find parking places easily. hehe :)

Use the Law of Attraction.

and so far, i think it's really a good habit to adopt this law tehee :P

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