should have a short update since i didnt turn on my laptop for such a long time
lets start with what im busy with
coating the canvas for two days ady
and the colouring part
10 pieces of it took me more than 20 days
i haven finish yet hahahaha
some random pic recently
27th July 2011
cute right????
watched Mr.Popper's Penguins and laughed out super duper loudly in the cinema
anyway laughing out loudly with friends were super enjoying
shopped and sang after that :)
28th July 2011
had a big nice meal with neighbours
my fav crabs and other seafoods
29th July 2011
went for shopping with mum the whole afternoon :D
bought new clothes hahahahahaha
went out with friend in the night
night view but its blur cuz didnt brought my camera along |
went up to Soga Hill cuz nowhere to go
and went up to Minyak Beku for tea sessions
30th July 2011
gek me and ching |
mui mui with her cute expression :) |
the spec couples =D
xiaozhen 38 hahahaha |
we hang out together the whole day
ate played camwhored crazy-ed and siao-ed
1st August 2011
my only motivation - FOOD |
2nd August 2011
measure and cut the cloth
stapler it on the wood
started to colour the canvas using white paint
spent the rest of the day colouring and lazying around
and printed out 80 pieces of cert until i wanna vomit up
doesnt have enough sleep everyday again
kinda of stressed up cuz exams coming and i still can finish my work and revisions
and mosquito stings me every single day
but overall its FUN larh
took too much of photos and wanted to post it up
but i didnt due to unsufficient time =E
bye bye
i wanna sleep now